Personal Savings
When you develop a strong savings plan, your world opens to possibility. You have more choices, flexibility and freedom. Goals are easier to reach. Dreams take on the look of reality. As a community bank, we’re here to guide you toward a successful future with savings solutions that strengthen your finances and help you grow.

Regular Savings
Access your money as often as you want and earn interest on your funds with this low-maintenance
savings account that offers all the tools for a successful savings strategy.
- $50 opening deposit
- $2 monthly service charge (waived with $200 minimum daily balance)
- Six free withdrawals per month
- Free online banking
- Free e-statements
- Free 24-hour telephone banking
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Pay for qualified medical expenses with pre-tax dollars through an HSA, a tax-favored savings account used in conjunction with a high-deductible, low premium health plan. The many benefits of an HSA make it a great savings tool for your future.
- Funds remain in the account from year to year, just like an IRA
- There are no “use it or lose it” rules
- High deductible insurance and HSA protect you against high or unexpected medical bills
- Save the money in your account for future medical expenses
- Grow your account through investment earnings
- Accounts are completely portable1
You can keep your HSA even if you change jobs, change medical coverage, become unemployed, move to another state or change your marital status.
Christmas Club Savings
This popular interest-earning account allows you to set aside funds all year long, building a healthy savings for stress-free holiday shopping. Start now and watch your funds accumulate easily and seamlessly.
- $5 opening deposit
- No monthly fee
- Competitive interest rates
- Funds paid to you in October
- You can start saving for the next year right away
Certificates of Deposit (CD)
First National Bank offers a full array of these fixed rate savings certificates over a range of maturities from three months to five years.
CDs feature fixed rates and fixed terms for an extremely safe and predictable place to set aside your funds for a future payoff. Choose different maturity dates to accommodate your financial goals.
- $500 minimum deposit
- Variety of terms available
- Interest rate tied to length of CD
- Interest paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually
- Terms from 91 days up to 5 years
Save the Day Savings Account
We can all use some help at times in managing our financial health. This account can truly help save the day by having it linked to your checking account. Funds can be automatically transferred into your checking account to help you avoid a possible overdraft. This account must be linked to your checking account and requires $10 monthly transfers from checking into your Save the Day account.
- Automatic transfers into savings account
- Automatic overdraft protection
- Secondary overdraft protection available
- Free online banking
- E-statements required
- Free 24-hour telephone banking
Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
An Individual Retirement Account, or IRA, allows your to make tax-deferred investments to provide financial security when you retire. First National Bank of Griffin offers both Traditional and Roth IRA’s. Please consult your tax advisor as your individual situation and eligibility.